C programming training.
All materials are at https://systemes.pages.ensimag.fr/www-c
- Enseignant responsable de cours: Grégory Mounié
- Enseignant responsable de cours: Gwenaël Delaval
- Enseignant responsable de cours: Vincent Danjean
- Enseignant responsable de cours: Vania Marangozova
The content of the lecture is in https://moodle.caseine.org/course/view.php?id=862
- Enseignant responsable de cours: Kim Thang Nguyen
- Enseignant: Sylvain Bouveret
- Enseignant: Hugo Wattelar
The content of the unit is here
- Enseignant responsable de cours: Sergi Pujades Rocamora
- Enseignant: Renaud Lachaize
Web page of the course: http://datamove.imag.fr/denis.trystram/teaching.php
- Enseignant responsable de cours: Denis Trystram
- Enseignant responsable de cours: Jean-Marc Vincent
Teaching semester : S1
Target skills :
This module introduces the main concepts available in programming languages to execute a program on a machine. It aims to provide:
- the formal tools allowing to describe (static and dynamic) program semantics;
- the main algorithms and transformation steps implemented within a compiler to produce a sound and correct executable code.
Program summary :
1. The formalisms used to describe programming language semantics: operational semantics, axiomatic semantics, denotational semantics. Application to a high-order imperative programming language.
2. Compiler architecture
3. Type systems: formalization and application to imperative and functional languages
4. Program execution environment, code generation
5. Introduction to code optimization, data-flow analysis
6. Program correctness and verification
- Enseignant responsable de cours: Ylies Falcone
- Enseignant responsable de cours: Frédéric LANG
- Enseignant responsable de cours: Laurent Mounier
- Enseignant: Gwenaël Delaval
The new version of the course material is available on Caseine: https://moodle.caseine.org/course/view.php?id=813
- Enseignant responsable de cours: Kim Thang Nguyen
- Enseignant: Florent Bouchez Tichadou
- Enseignant: Eniko Kevi
- Enseignant: Renaud Lachaize
- Enseignant: Thomas Ropars
- Enseignant responsable de cours: lydie du Bousquet
- Enseignant: Frédéric LANG