Section outline

  • This work is called "A" in the assessment process described above.

    There are 2 levels: 

    • "A1" (normal) 
    • "A2" (in depth).
    You can work alone or in pairs. You choose a subject among those proposed below and you produce a written report.
    Your assessment will consist in:

    • written report assessment 
    • oral "question and answer" (individually, even if you worked in pairs)

    A1 work (1.75 ECTS, e.g., Ensimag students)
    Proposed subjects:
    • Ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) and extensions
    • Adjoint-based sensitivity analysis (VarSA)
    • Global sensitivity analysis (GSA)
    • Variational assimilation with non-linear models (VarNL)
    • Particle filters (PF) especially for high dimension
    Research using internet, books, simple articles, tutorials, introductions, ...
    Produce a short report of your research: 5 to 10 pages.

    A2 work (3 ECTS, e.g., MSIAM students)
    Proposed subjects:

    • Ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) and extension
    • Ensemble transform Kalman filter (ETKF)
    • SEEK filter
    • Adjoint-based sensitivity analysis (VarSA)
    • Global sensitivity analysis (GSA)
    • Automatic differentiation (AD)
    • Variational assimilation with non-linear models (VarNL)
    • Particle filters (PF), especially for high dimension
    • Hybrid variational/filtering assimilation 
    • Reduced order assimilation
    • Model error control in DA
    Research using internet, books, research articles (some of them are below, please request more papers if you need them)
    Produce a report of your research: 10 to 20 pages.